Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Why I Love Journalism and how I got here

 Ever since I was 7, I've always been fascinated with writing my own stories about superheroes I would make from the top of my head. My parents always told me since I was little that I've always had a vivid imagination and could visualize anything that I was told. Over the past few years after that, I kept writing stories whether it was about personal experiences or made up stories that come from my vivid imagination.

 Then when I got into my teenage years, I go fascinated with commentating for basketball because I always described what was going on when I used to play basketball through video games and watching highlights of my favorite NBA players. Suddenly, it sparked in my mind of what I wanted to become in the future, A broadcast journalist for ESPN, write stories about players, and commentate games for the NBA.  But it really all started with my love for comic books and graphic novel reading at a young age. 

I really enjoyed Marvel especially Spiderman and always strived to make up my own superheroes and create wacky adventures in whatever setting that would run in my youthful mind. It got to the point where I would use inanimate objects and make them superheroes to expand the creativity that would flow within my mind. Then all of a sudden, I would come up with an idea that would inspire me and my father to write a book about; Super Pencil.

 When I first introduced the idea to my dad at 10, he seemed to show a lot of interest towards this idea influencing him to come back to me to ask if I made any more stories about Super Pencil and when I told him he would write more and more overtime. 

My dad was so committed to writing this book that he would be up at early hours of the morning writing more and more and would have me look over the stuff he would write about to make sure that he didn’t make any spelling errors and I caught a lot of them and adjusted them so the story could flow better. Sure enough, three years went by and our book was released to the public and made a lot of pretty good progress. Instead of it being a story about a heroic pencil fighting evil doers, it is an anti-bullying, non-fiction story that correlated to my real-life situations. Currently, I’ve sold over 2-300 copies of my book and it touched the hearts of many people around the country. 

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